What is Nora Allen hiding?

Nora became mad at Thawne for hiding the fact that he killed her grandmother. Thawne tells her that he didn’t know that she didn’t know since her mother should have told her. But since Barry taught her that Thawne only helps himself, he loses Nora’s trust and she runs away.

Why does Nora work with Thawne?

Nora wants Thawne to continue to teach her about her powers but his time is running out so he directs Nora to the Time Vault, which contains even more information about THE FLASH than is in THE FLASH Museum, where Nora spends so much of her time and where she learns that Barry Allen, THE FLASH is her father.

Also What is Nora’s problem with Iris?

It’s made known in “News Flash” that Nora can’t forgive Iris for a secret of her own that her mother kept from her for her whole life. It turns out that Nora only found out she was a metahuman not too long before her arrival in the present, as Iris had implanted a power-dampening chip into her daughter.

Does Nora come back? She didn‘t come back at all in season 6, but The Flash did tease that Nora is alive again, thanks to the changes made by the rebirth of the multiverse in “Crisis on Infinite Earths.” Now, she’s back, with her return to The Flash heralding the arrival of a major Flash character: Bart Allen aka Impulse.

Who is Barry Allen’s son?

Bart Allen was born to Don Allen, the son of Barry Allen, the second Flash, and his wife Meloni, the daughter of President Thawne of Earth and descendant of the evil Professor Zoom and Cobalt Blue in the late 30th century. Bart was born with his grandfather’s speed.

Why can’t Barry hold his daughter? Plot. Team Flash meet Nora, Barry and Iris’ daughter from the future. … When Barry tries to send Nora home, Wally reveals that Nora’s blood is saturated with negative tachyons, which prevents her from using the Speed Force or the Legends’ Waverider to time travel.

What happened to Iris’s mom? However, her joy fell short when Iris told Francine she didn’t want anything to do with her. Afterwards, Francine told Joe the real reason she came was that she was dying from a disease known as the MacGregor’s Syndrome and may not live to see the end of the year.

What did Nora Allen lie about? She basically accused her mother of ruining her life by cloaking her metahuman connections to Barry, and acted like Iris wouldn’t have had any legitimate reasons for doing so.

Why did Nora betray the flash?

However, in a shock twist, the Speed Force betrayed Team Flash when she used her own speed and Barry’s to kill Alexa. … And as the Speed Force was wearing the face of his mother, Nora, it’s a betrayal that the Scarlet Speedster will never forget.

Is Barry’s mom the Speed Force? New multiverse

Speed Force as Nora Allen. When Barry seeks comfort, he snuggles in a blanket created by Nora. When the Speed Force is reborn, it appears as Nora in a human form instead of appearing as lightning. Barry slowly comes to terms with the Speed Force appearing as his mother, after a conversation with Iris.

Why did Nora get erased from the timeline?

Nora disappeared because they destroyed the dagger of Cicada I/II. The reason she disappeared is that since the dagger is destroyed, she would have never gone back in time. Because of Eobard Thawne being her mentor, this influenced her to go back in time to help the team beat Cicada.

Does Iris get pregnant in The Flash season 6? Earlier in 2019, the actress had shared pictures of herself on social media sporting a baby bump, but she clarified in the caption itself that she was not pregnant in real life.

Is Iris on The Flash pregnant?

Earlier in 2019, the actress had shared pictures of herself on social media sporting a baby bump, but she clarified in the caption itself that she was not pregnant in real life.

What episode is Iris pregnant?

The Flash season 7, episode 10 “Family Matters, Part 1” hints Iris and Barry may finally be pregnant, setting up Bart Allen (Impulse) and Nora (XS).

How many children did Barry and Iris have? Iris is pregnant, and she has two children who have super-speed powers, the Tornado Twins, who later meet the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Is Iris pregnant The Flash? Toward the end of The Flash Season 7, Barry and Iris decided to start a family. In episode 15, they believed that Iris was pregnant, but, unfortunately, it was a false alarm.

What is Iris’s speedster name?

When Iris and Barry marry, Iris learns that, not only is Barry the city’s heroic speedster, but her nephew, Wally West, is Kid Flash. She is not told by Barry, but discovers her husband’s secret on their wedding night when Barry talks in his sleep. She reveals this to him on their first wedding anniversary.

How did Iris get her powers? As the Speed Force resurfaced during the Season 7 finale to give the Flash Family a power boost, Iris’ residual connection to the Forces led to her gaining super-speed herself. … Iris previously gained super-speed in the series, albeit much more briefly, during Season 4.

Who killed Iris Allen?

When Barry traveled to the future to get rid of the Philosopher’s stone, he saw Savitar killing Iris. Savitar prepares to kill Iris. After it was revealed Savitar was a future evil clone of Barry and that he would earn the memories of his past persona, Iris was finally sent to Earth-2 with Harry Wells’ S.T.A.R. Labs.

Is Nora Barry’s daughter? Nora West-Allen, the daughter of Barry and Iris from the TV series The Flash. Nora Allen (The Flash), Barry’s mother from the TV series The Flash. “Nora” (The Flash episode), 1st episode of the fifth season of The Flash.

What did Cicada do to Nora?

The more pressing concern, at least to Barry, happens after Cicada depowers Team Flash in a fight and punches Nora in the spine. Her back is broken, hearkening back to when Zoom did something similar to Barry.

Is Nora Flash’s daughter? Nora West-Allen, the daughter of Barry and Iris from the TV series The Flash. Nora Allen (The Flash), Barry’s mother from the TV series The Flash. “Nora” (The Flash episode), 1st episode of the fifth season of The Flash.

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