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What is Jameela Arabic?

What is Jameela Arabic?

j(a)-mee-la. Origin:Arabic. Popularity:9320. Meaning:beautiful; lovely.

How do you say Jameela?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Jameela. J-uh-m-ee-l-ah. Yaa-Miy-L-aa. jameela.
  2. Meanings for Jameela. It is an Arabic feminine name.
  3. Translations of Jameela. Arabic : جميلة

then Is Jamila in Quran?

Jamila was one of Medina’s first converts to Islam. She her mother were among the first ten women to pledge allegiance to Muhammad in 622. On hearing that her name was Asiya (“disobedient”), Muhammad renamed her: “No, you are Jamila” (“beautiful”).

What is the meaning of the name jamela? j(a)-me-la. Origin:Arabic. Popularity:27664. Meaning:beautiful.

What does Jamila mean in Hebrew?

Jamilah Name Meaning

Jamilah Name Meaning of Beautiful, graceful..

How do you pronounce jamela?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Jamela. J-uh-m-ee-l-ah. JHaa-MEHL-aa. JAH-MEE-LA. jamela.
  2. Meanings for Jamela. Jamela means beautiful in Arabic. A feminine name of Arabic origin.
  3. Translations of Jamela. Russian : Джамела Indonesian : Jameela.

Is Jamila Arabic name? Jamil (Arabic: جميل) is an Arabic given name. It means “Handsome” in Arabic. … Yamil, which is the Spanish variant of the name Jamil, has the same pronunciation in Spanish, but different spelling. The feminine equivalent is Jamila (also Gamila, Cemila, Djemila, Djamila, Jameela, Yamila, Jamyla, and Jamily).

What does Jamilah mean in Islam? j(a)-mi-lah. Origin:Arabic. Popularity:5751. Meaning:beautiful; lovely.

What is Urban Dictionary?

Urban Dictionary, as you may know, is a crowdsourced website where anyone can suggest a new word—or a new definition of a word—years before establishment lexicographers catch on. It was founded in 1999 by computer science student Aaron Peckham to make fun of the comparatively staid

How do you say Jamil in Arabic? Jamil (Arabic: جميل) is an Arabic given name.

What are the most unique girl names?

Classically Unique Baby Girl Names

What does the name Juniper mean? Juniper has historically been used as both a boys’ name and a girls’ name. … The Juniper tree’s name is derived from the Latin word juniperus. In Latin, juniperus is combination of the word junio, which means young, and parere, to produce, hence youth producing, or evergreen.

How do you pronounce Jamalia?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Jamelia. Jah-mee-lah. Shuh-MiLL-EE-uh-EE-uh. …
  2. Meanings for Jamelia. A feminine name that is of Arabic origin and it means Beautiful.
  3. Examples of in a sentence. Jamelia, 38, will vote for first time ever backing Labour to give children a proper future. …
  4. Translations of Jamelia. Chinese : 杰米莉娅

How do you pronounce jamilia?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Jamilia. Jah-Mee-Lee-Ah. Ja-milia. ja-mil-i-a.
  2. Meanings for Jamilia.
  3. Translations of Jamilia. Russian : Джамиля

Is Jamil a boy name? The name Jamil is primarily a male name of Arabic origin that means Beautiful, Elegant.

How do you say camel in Arabic? The Arabic word for camel is pronounced jamal and written ﺟَﻤَﻞ.

Is Yamil a male or female name?

Baby Name: Yamil

meaning Handsome
gender boy
origin Arabic
popularity unusual
syllables 2

Is Habibi Arabic? Habibi is an Arabic word that literally means “my love” (sometimes also translated as “my dear,” “my darling,” or “beloved.”)

How do you pronounce Jamila in Arabic?

Jamila (Arabic: جميلة) is a feminine given name of Arabic origin. It is the feminine form of the masculine Arabic given name Jamil, which comes from the Arabic word jamāl (Arabic: جَمَال), meaning “beauty”.


Pronunciation jah-MEE-lah
Gender Female
Meaning “Beauty”
Other names

Is jiggy a bad word? Take the word bad. … It’s the natural process of word formation, according to Braham. Jiggy, which means “wonderful and exciting, especially because stylish,” made it into the dictionary this year after its frequent rotation on radios across America in Will Smith’s song, “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It” (Sony).

What is Georgi?

Georgi means “farmer” or “earthworker” (from ancient Greek “ge/γῆ” = earth + “ergon/ἔργον” = work).

What does mangy mean in slang? mangy Add to list Share. Imagine something really disgusting — crusty, dirty, falling apart — you know, like zombie flesh. If it’s shoddy, gross, and really, really cruddy, it can be called mangy. If you want a really insulting adjective, you can’t do better than the word mangy.

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