What happened to the house from Meet Me in St. Louis?

The House in the Summer

St Louis Street, the MGM back lot where the streets were lined with Victorian homes built for Meet Me in St. Louis, is now sadly gone. In 1970, MGM auctioned off most of its property, including St. … Lot 3 was 80 acres with a lake, where they filmed this and more MGM features.

Then, Did Mary Astor really play the piano in Meet Me in St. Louis?

Astor was home-schooled in academics and was taught to play the piano by her father, who insisted she practice daily. Her piano talents came in handy when she played piano in her films The Great Lie and Meet Me in St. Louis.

simply so, How old is Judy Garland in Meet Me in St Louis?

Garland, under contract at MGM, was initially opposed to starring in this sentimental family tale. The part required her to portray a teenager, and, at age 21, she longed to be rid of the juvenile roles in which she had traditionally been cast.

How old was Rose in Meet Me in St Louis? Seventeen-year-old Esther Smith falls in love with boy-next-door John Truett and tries to get him to notice her. Meanwhile, twenty-year-old Rose is preoccupied with getting her long-distance beau to propose before she is deemed an old maid.

What is going on in the Halloween scene in Meet Me in St Louis?

Louis’s Halloween chapter: Margaret O’Brien’s fibbing scamp Tootie claims that handsome “boy next door” John Truitt “tried to kill me,” which causes Judy Garland’s Esther to retaliate by slugging John without mercy, a demonstration made nearly tragic due to the fact that Esther has a burning crush on him; furthermore, …

Are there any Astors left?

And no one is happy about it. According to the New York Post, yesterday a judge ruled that 69-year-old Charlene Marshall —Brooke Astor’s son’s wife, whom Astor famously nicknamed “Miss Piggy” (above)—will inherit the $14.5 million that remains of the Astor family fortune.

How old is Judy Garland supposed to be in Meet Me in St Louis?

Louis (1944), regarded by many as one of… Garland, under contract at MGM, was initially opposed to starring in this sentimental family tale. The part required her to portray a teenager, and, at age 21, she longed to be rid of the juvenile roles in which she had traditionally been cast.

Did Judy Garland and Margaret O’Brien get along?

And in real life, we actually were just as close, too.” O’Brien said she instantly connected with Garland on set. “Oh, she was so wonderful!” O’Brien gushed.

How old are the daughters in Meet Me in St. Louis?

The sixteen-year-old Esther and the seven-year-old Tootie are the focus of the film.

Who played the youngest sister in Meet Me in St. Louis?

Margaret O’Brien learned at an early age that Hollywood can be a cutthroat place, even in the town’s long-lost Golden Age. The star of such ’40s favorites as Meet Me in St. Louis and Little Women was only 6 years old when she almost became the victim of on-set sabotage.

How old are the kids supposed to be in Meet Me in St. Louis?

The sixteen-year-old Esther and the seven-year-old Tootie are the focus of the film. The concerns of the family members are simple and innocent.

Was Meet Me in St. Louis originally in color?

Louis (1944) In an age when the celluloid casted shadows on the silver screen were predominantly black and white comes an MGM spectacle of magnificent Technicolor in the musical Meet Me in St. Louis.

Why do the kids throw flour in Meet Me in St. Louis?

Another tradition that was popular but isn’t discussed much was portrayed in the 1944 film “Meet Me in St. Louis”, which takes place in 1903. A young child would try to seek revenge on a grumpy old man from the neighborhood by ringing the doorbell and throwing flour in the face of said grump.

What holiday are the kids celebrating in Meet Me in St. Louis?

Louis. The film shows just how crucial the seasonal holiday of Halloween is to feeling at home or alienated in a community. In 1904 St. Louis, Tootie, played by Margaret O’Brien, roams her neighborhood after dusk, dressed up as a ‘horrible ghost that died of a broken heart’.

What holiday are they celebrating in Meet Me in St. Louis?

Regardless, Meet Me in St. Louis captures Halloween, particularly as it was celebrated in 1903 very well. Some of the customs celebrated by the Smith family and their neighbours would seem familiar us today.

How wealthy is the Astor family?

Astor died in the sinking of the RMS Titanic during the early hours of April 15, 1912. Astor was the richest passenger aboard the RMS Titanic and was thought to be among the richest people in the world at that time with a net worth of roughly $87 million when he died (equivalent to $2.33 billion in 2020).

Did John Astor survive the Titanic?

Financier, soldier and inventor John Jacob Astor IV built the Astoria section of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in 1897. He built several other notable New York City hotels, including the St. Regis, which some have said was his greatest achievement. Astor drowned in the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912.

Where did the Astors get their money?

John Jacob Astor (born Johann Jakob Astor; July 17, 1763 – March 29, 1848) was a German-American businessman, merchant, real estate mogul, and investor who made his fortune mainly in a fur trade monopoly, by smuggling opium into China, and by investing in real estate in or around New York City.

How did Margaret O’Brien cry in Meet Me in St Louis?

Louis’ 75 years ago. Judy Garland hugs Margaret O’Brien in an MGM photo for “Meet Me in St. … Although Hollywood lore has long been that director Vincente Minnelli got O’Brien to cry by telling the young actress her dog was ill, O’Brien said her mother never would have let that happen.

What was Tootie’s name in Meet Me in St Louis?

Alonzo Smith (Leon Ames) and his wife Anna (Mary Astor) have four daughters: Rose (Lucille Bremer), Esther (Judy Garland), Agnes (Joan Carroll), and Tootie (Margaret O’Brien); and a son, Lon Jr.

What age was Judy Garland when she died?

A month-long third engagement at the Palace Theatre resulted in another popular album, At Home at the Palace (1967). Garland continued working until her death at age 47 by accidental barbiturate overdose.


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