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What does sure thing mean slang?

What does sure thing mean slang?

You say ‘sure thing’ to show that you agree with someone or will do as they say. [mainly US, spoken]

Then, Who played Lance in a sure thing?

The Sure Thing (1985) – Anthony Edwards as Lance – IMDb.

simply so, Is it weird to say sure thing?

“Sure thing” is very acceptable as a response to “Thank you” in many parts of the U.S. as part of a conversation. It would be appropriate to use it in dialogue for fiction too. But it isn’t standard written usage otherwise.

Where did the term sure thing come from? The common Americanism “sure thing” arose in the 1800s.

Etymonline states that “The use as an adverb meaning “assuredly” goes back to early 14c.” well before the American colonies were a twinkle in the eye of the English colonizers.

What does the saying sure thing mean?

something that is or is supposed to be a certain success, as a bet or a business venture: He thinks that real estate is a sure thing. something assured; certainty: It’s a sure thing that he’ll refuse to cooperate.

Is it professional to say sure thing?

Interjection. (informal) A polite reply to thank you. “Thanks a lot for your help.” / “Sure thing!” An affirmative reply; yes; certainly.

What can I say instead of sure thing?


Where can you use sure thing?

Explanation: If someone asks you for help, you can respond with “sure thing” to indicate certainty. “You want me to call you tomorrow? Sure thing.”

What does OK No biggie mean?

informal. —used to indicate that something is not important or not a problem (chiefly US) “Sorry I’m late.” “No biggie.

When did people start saying for sure?

As an affirmative meaning “yes, certainly” it dates from 1803, from Middle English meanings “firmly established; having no doubt,” and phrases like to be sure (1650s), sure enough (1540s), and for sure (1580s). The use as an adverb meaning “assuredly” goes back to early 14c.

What can you say instead of sure thing?


What can I say instead of sure thing?

In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sure thing, like: certainty, certain, no gamble, safe venture, winner, open-and-shut-case, safe investment, cinch, dead certainty, cert.

Can you say sure thing to your boss?

“Sure thing,” although informal, is synonymous with “certainly.” If you and your boss have an informal type of relationship (a good barometer may be if you’re on a first name basis with him/her), then you could use it.

What is the meaning of Ofcourse?

1. adverb. You say of course to suggest that something is normal, obvious, or well-known, and should therefore not surprise the person you are talking to. [spoken] Of course there were lots of other interesting things at the exhibition.

Can I say for sure to thanks?

Meaning of Idiom ‘Sure‘ as a Response to Thank You

The word sure is sometimes used to respond to Thank you. Saying sure in response to thank you is very informal. It is a replacement for the more standard You’re welcome and means much the same as the more formal response certainly.

What does alright mean in texting?

In a nutshell, alright means “fine” or “satisfactory”: “Are the kids alright on that Ferris wheel?” You can use it to show that you agree with something someone said: “Oh alright, I get it.” This one-word spelling of “all right” is okay when texting with your friends, but don’t use it when you are looking to impress, …

What are different ways to say yes?

Ways of saying yes – thesaurus

  1. yes. adverb. used for telling someone that what they have said or asked is true or correct.
  2. definitely. adverb. used for emphasizing that you mean ‘yes’
  3. of course. adverb. …
  4. sure. adverb. …
  5. naturally. adverb. …
  6. that’s right. phrase. …
  7. I don’t mind if I do. phrase. …
  8. by all means. phrase.

What is another way to say no worries?

What is another word for no worries?

it’s all good all good
don’t worry about it it’s fine
no biggie no prob
no problem no probs
she’ll be right no sweat

What is another way to say no problem?

No Problem Synonyms

What does biggy mean?

(colloquial) Something big in size in comparison to similar things. … (colloquial) Something impressive in comparison to similar things. Here’s the biggy – she’s only getting divorced! noun. (colloquial) Big deal, usually in used in the negative.

Who is a bummer?

(slang) One that depresses, frustrates, or disappoints. … The definition of a bummer is slang for something undesirable, unpleasant or annoying, or is slang for a bad reaction to a drug, or is a lazy person who hangs around all day without a job or purpose.

What is meaning of it’s my pleasure?

Definition of my pleasure

—used as a response to someone who has thanked one for doing something to say that one was happy to do it “Thanks for your help.” “(It was) My pleasure.”

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