What does it mean to vaguely remember?

Vaguely describes action that is unclear. If you vaguely recall meeting someone once before, you barely remember him or her, what you talked about, or even where you met.

Then, What is an example of vagueness?

Examples of very vague terms: “Many,” (“A lot,” “Lots”) How many is many? There’s no precise cut-off. Some numbers clearly aren’t ‘many,’ some clearly are, but some numbers may or may not count as ‘many.

simply so, Is despondently a word?

adj. Feeling or expressing despondency; dejected. See Synonyms at depressed. de·spon′dent·ly adv.

What does vaguely familiar mean? (something) sounds vaguely familiar

You can use the phrase “That sounds vaguely familiar” when someone mentions something that you’ve heard of, but don’t know much about.

What do you mean by moderately?

kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price. of medium quantity, extent, or amount: a moderate income. mediocre or fair: moderate talent. calm or mild, as of the weather.

What do you mean by vagueness?

Vagueness is a state of being unclear or uncertain. … The Latin root of vagueness, vagus literally means “wandering” and figuratively means “vacillating or uncertain.”

How do you talk vaguely?

What are the types of vagueness?

The prevalent theories of vagueness can be divided into three categories, paralleling three logical interpretations of borderline cases: (i) a borderline case is a case of a truth-value gap; it is neither true nor false; (ii) a borderline case is a case of a truth-value glut; it is both true and false; and (iii) a …

What does craftily mean?

adverb. in an artful manner. “he craftily arranged to be there when the decision was announced” synonyms: artfully, cunningly, foxily, knavishly, slyly, trickily.

What do you mean by disconsolate?

Definition of disconsolate

1 : cheerless a clutch of disconsolate houses— D. H. Lawrence. 2 : dejected, downcast the team returned disconsolate from three losses.

How do you pronounce despondently?

What does waive the fee mean?

b : to refrain from pressing or enforcing (something, such as a claim or rule) : forgo waive the fee. 2 : to put off from immediate consideration : postpone.

What does the word comparatively?

relatively, comparativelyadverb. in a relative manner; by comparison to something else. “the situation is relatively calm now”

Who is a moderate person?

Moderate is an ideological category which designates a rejection of radical or extreme views, especially in regard to politics and religion. A moderate is considered someone occupying any mainstream position avoiding extreme views and major social change.

How do you say moderate?

What are some vague words?

Common vague expressions include:

  • and that kind of thing and stuff like that.
  • and that sort of thing and stuff.
  • and that type of thing and so on.
  • and things like that and this, that and the other.
  • and the like.

What is the difference between vague and ambiguous?

Vague’ is used where something lacks precision or detail, while ‘ambiguous’ is something that could have two meanings, or is open to interpretation.

Is vague a word?

A pronoun is a word that is used as a replacement or substitution for a noun. Commonly used pronouns include I, we, they, he, she, it, they, these, those, who, and what. … A pronoun is considered to be vague when it is difficult to determine what the pronoun refers to (the antecedent).

What is vagueness philosophy?

Vagueness is standardly defined as the possession of borderline cases. For example, ‘tall’ is vague because a man who is 1.8 meters in height is neither clearly tall nor clearly non-tall. No amount of conceptual analysis or empirical investigation can settle whether a 1.8 meter man is tall.

What are examples of vague words?

Common vague expressions include:

  • and that kind of thing and stuff like that.
  • and that sort of thing and stuff.
  • and that type of thing and so on.
  • and things like that and this, that and the other.
  • and the like.

What is the difference between ambiguity and vagueness?

Ambiguity exists when a term can reasonably be interpreted in more than one way, for example, the word “bank” can refer to a financial institution or a riverside. Vagueness occurs when the boundaries of a word’s meaning are not well defined, as in the word “tall”5.


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