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What do you mean by vagueness?

What do you mean by vagueness?

Vagueness is a state of being unclear or uncertain. … The Latin root of vagueness, vagus literally means “wandering” and figuratively means “vacillating or uncertain.”

Then, What is an example of vagueness?

Examples of very vague terms: “Many,” (“A lot,” “Lots”) How many is many? There’s no precise cut-off. Some numbers clearly aren’t ‘many,’ some clearly are, but some numbers may or may not count as ‘many.

simply so, What does nebulus mean?

adjective. hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused: a nebulous recollection of the meeting; a nebulous distinction between pride and conceit. cloudy or cloudlike.

Is it vaguer or more vague? Comparative form of vague: more vague.

What do you mean by concisely?

concise, terse, succinct, laconic, summary, pithy, compendious mean very brief in statement or expression. concise suggests the removal of all that is superfluous or elaborative. a concise description terse implies pointed conciseness.

How do you talk vaguely?

What are the types of vagueness?

The prevalent theories of vagueness can be divided into three categories, paralleling three logical interpretations of borderline cases: (i) a borderline case is a case of a truth-value gap; it is neither true nor false; (ii) a borderline case is a case of a truth-value glut; it is both true and false; and (iii) a …

How do I stop vagueness?

Bottom line: In formal writing you should follow the rule and reject the sentence. In informal situations, go ahead and use it. In both conversational and formal English, avoid vagueness. Never use a pronoun that may refer to two or more ideas; don’t leave your reader or listener wondering what you mean.

What does it mean when a person is pedantic?

Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What is a nebulous person?

The definition of nebulous is someone or something that is vague or unclear.

What does nebulous gloom mean?

1. Cloudy, misty, or hazy.

How do you use vague?

Vague sentence example

  1. She rolled her eyes at the vague response. …
  2. He was vague to say the least. …
  3. I don’t have a vague recollection of either game. …
  4. The plan was vague on detail, leaving them wondering what to do next. …
  5. If the answers to your questions sound vague , ask for clarification.

What is vague memory?

2 adj If you have a vague memory or idea of something, the memory or idea is not clear.

How do you say the word vague?

How can I write more concisely?

10 tips for more concise writing

  1. Start sentences with the subject. …
  2. Use the active verb. …
  3. Get rid of adverbs and reduce your adjectives. …
  4. Use the shortest form of the word. …
  5. Use the shortest form of a phrase. …
  6. Keep your sentences to 25-30 words. …
  7. Keep your paragraphs to 250-300 words. …
  8. Don’t refer back.

How do you use concisely in a sentence?

in a concise manner; in a few words.

  1. The speaker handled his subject concisely.
  2. He spoke clearly and concisely.
  3. He’d delivered his report clearly and concisely.
  4. Information about the study is presented clearly and concisely, thus creating an ideal text for nurses new to evaluating research reports.

Is there a word concisely?

When you say something concisely, you use as few words as possible to get your meaning across. When you write concisely, you convey an idea briefly and straightforwardly. … The Latin root word, concisus, means “cut off or brief,” from concidere, “to cut off, cut up, or cut into pieces.”

What are some vague words?

Common vague expressions include:

What is the difference between vague and ambiguous?

Vague’ is used where something lacks precision or detail, while ‘ambiguous’ is something that could have two meanings, or is open to interpretation.

Is vague a word?

A pronoun is a word that is used as a replacement or substitution for a noun. Commonly used pronouns include I, we, they, he, she, it, they, these, those, who, and what. … A pronoun is considered to be vague when it is difficult to determine what the pronoun refers to (the antecedent).

What is vagueness philosophy?

Vagueness is standardly defined as the possession of borderline cases. For example, ‘tall’ is vague because a man who is 1.8 meters in height is neither clearly tall nor clearly non-tall. No amount of conceptual analysis or empirical investigation can settle whether a 1.8 meter man is tall.

What are examples of vague words?

Common vague expressions include:

What is the difference between ambiguity and vagueness?

Ambiguity exists when a term can reasonably be interpreted in more than one way, for example, the word “bank” can refer to a financial institution or a riverside. Vagueness occurs when the boundaries of a word’s meaning are not well defined, as in the word “tall”5.

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