Is Worf adopted?

An important aspect to understanding Worf is that he was adopted by Federation parents, so he has both adoptive and biological family. The House of Mogh was a family of high social and political rank which was for a time represented on the Klingon High Council.

Then, What does Worf stand for?


Acronym Definition
WORF Window Observational Research Facility (International Space Station)
WORF Waba Open Robot Framework
WORF WWW Observing Remotely Facility
WORF Warriors of Rain Forest (game)

simply so, What is Worf’s sash?

A Klingon baldric worn by Worf The Klingon baldric was a sash that traditionally went over the left or right shoulder of noble Klingons. It contained the symbol of a Klingon House. ( TOS: “Errand of Mercy”; DS9: “Soldiers of the Empire”) Some baldrics were used to hold knives or daggers. ( ENT: “Broken Bow”)

Is Alexander Worf’s son? Born in 2366, Alexander is the son of Worf and the late Federation Ambassador K’Ehleyr. Although Alexander spent his infancy with his mother, following her death he returned to Earth to live with Worf’s adoptive parents, Sergey and Helena Rozhenko.

Who is Worf’s wife?

Suzie Plakson (born 3 June 1958; age 63) is an American actress who appeared in four different roles in three Star Trek spinoff series, namely Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise. Plakson also had a recurring guest role on Mad About You as Dr.

What is Worfs belt?

Worf wearing a Klingon baldric. A baldric or sash was a wide ornamental belt worn over one shoulder and around the waist.

Why does Captain Picard wear red?

Designating the wearer’s career is the main function of a Starfleet uniform. … In TOS (The Original Series) gold was reserved for command, red was for engineering and security, leaving science and medical officers with blue.

Why did Worf wear red?

E.g. this answer gives the following list of uniform colours covering the TNG era (with supporting links to Memory Alpha): Red/Maroon – this denotes the COMMAND division. Examples are anyone on the command track, including helmsmen, administrators, and commanding officers.

Who was Worf’s mate?

Buffalo, New York, U.S. Suzie Plakson (born June 3, 1958) is an American actress, singer, writer, poet, artist and coach.

What happened Worf son?

Alexander appeared several times in TNG, despite not being a series regular; however, he did not follow his father to Deep Space Nine, instead opting to live with Worf’s human parents on Earth. … He is stationed on the Rotarran, on which his father is a commanding officer.

What is Worf’s sash made of?

Crafted from leather, hand linked metal rings and resin insignia, direct from the original, there is no mistaking the quality and the hours spent on creating this one-of-a-kind, handmade piece.

Why does Worf drink prune juice?

The liquid of a dried Earth plum, a traditional treatment for constipation. Guinan presented to Worf in 2366. Impressed, he christened it a “warrior’s drink.” Worf’s parents later told Guinan they never served him prune juice because Worf never wanted anything but Klingon food.

Why did Worf get a new sash?

The IRL explanation is that someone stole it (it was actually a costume piece that goes back to the TOS Klingons BTW), so the costume department made another out of bike chain links. Along with the original Worf forehead piece as well.

Why does Deanna Troi wear a different uniform?

Deanna Troi chose her uniform because it looked good on her. … The actor fought to get her character to adopt a standard Starfleet uniform. The writers accommodated her request eventually: the character was ordered to put one on by a temporary captain, and she never reverted to her old garb: Even after Picard returned.

Why does Picard pull down his shirt?

Picard had a problem with the top part of his uniform riding up whenever he would sit or stand, and so he developed a habit of frequently tugging his shirt down. This move occurred so often that fans noticed it and dubbed it the “Picard Maneuver.”

Why is Kirk’s uniform green?

The uniforms in the first season of TOS were made of a type of satin velour that was actually lime green; the lighting gels and cameras of the era filtered this color and made it appear on film as less greenish, but it was in fact practically the same color as the wrap-around tunic, which was made of a lighter material …

Who was chief engineer before Geordie?

Background information. Argyle was played by actor Biff Yeager. Argyle appeared to have replaced MacDougal as the go-to Chief Engineer character, as she was not seen, heard, or mentioned after “The Naked Now”.

Why did Deanna Troi not wear a uniform?

Deanna Troi chose her uniform because it looked good on her. … The actor fought to get her character to adopt a standard Starfleet uniform. The writers accommodated her request eventually: the character was ordered to put one on by a temporary captain, and she never reverted to her old garb: Even after Picard returned.

Why is Worf’s uniform yellow?

Yellow denotes Operations (of which Tactical, Worf’s department when we first met him, is a division). Red denotes Command, which is what Worf “changed majors” to when he went to DS9.

Who played the half Klingon half human?

In this episode, the Enterprise is sent a half-Klingon, half-human emissary to help them deal with a three-quarter century-old Klingon sleeper-ship who believes they are still at war with the Federation. This episode guest stars Suzie Plakson as the eponymous emissary, which established a romantic interest for Worf.

How fast do Klingons age?

It’s non-canon, but in the John Ford novels, it’s established that Klingons reach full physical maturity comparable to a human at about the age of 12.

Who played female Q?

The female Q was played by Suzie Plakson.


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