Is Kota Factory a real story?

Not completely but Kota Factory is somewhat based on a true story. The show was originally the idea of IITians and Engineers of the TVF family/ Crew.

How good is NV Sir Quora?

NV sir is very good specially for numerical lovers. He teaches nicely but fast and he gives more time in practicing problems. NM sir is also good no doubt. NKC is also good he emphasizes more on theory part.

then Is maheswari class real?

The show’s Prodigy Coaching Classes and Maheshwari Classes seem to be inspired by the real-life institutions of ALLEN (founded by Rajesh Maheshwari) and Bansal Classes.

Who is owner of Allen? Founded on April 18, 1988 and named in the loving memory of Late Shri Laxmi Narayan Maheshwari, father of four brothers Shri Govind, Shri Rajesh, Shri Naveen & Shri Brajesh Maheshwari, ALLEN has today become a synonym of SUCCESS.

Who are the IITians in Kota factory?

Meena aka Ranjan Raj, like Jitendra Kumar, is also an ex-IITian. It seems like Kota Factory is made by IITians for the IIT aspirants. Like Jitendra Kumar, Ranjan Raj is also an ex-IITian. He is an alumnus of IIT Bombay.

Is NV sir good for JEE Advanced Quora? Are video lectures of NV Sir of Etoos good for the JEE Advanced? – Quora. yes they are very good for understanding point of view.

Is PS sir good for NEET? PS sir is really great and his teaching style is unique…. first he cleared concepts and explains the complicated question in easy manner also he has many shortcut tricks which makes more easy and fun……. PS sir really great…!!!! … Best teacher of inorganic and physical chemistry for NEET preparation.

What caste is Maheshwari? Maheshwari, also spelled Maheshvari, is a Hindu caste of India, originally from what is now the state of Rajasthan. Their traditional occupation is that of commerce and as such they form part of the wider Bania occupation-based community that also includes castes such as the Khandelwals, Oswals and Agrawals.

Is Kota good for NEET?

When it comes to the best NEET & JEE, Kota has helped thousands of students in acing these exams. … According to many students who have studied from Kota, IIT-JEE or NEET -preparation in Kota is not only hectic in study or preparation but also you adjusting to the place, peers, environment, and food is also a task.

Who is Agarwal Sir Kota factory? Vivek Savarikar: Aggarwal Sir.

What is the full form of Allen?

ALLEN is named in the memory of Late Shri Laxmi Narayan Maheshwari, father of four directors- Shri Govind Maheshwari, Shri Rajesh Maheshwari, Shri Naveen Maheshwari and Shri Brajesh Maheshwari.

Who is Keshav Maheshwari? Keshav Maheshwari – Managing Director – ALLEN Career Institute Overseas | LinkedIn.

What is the fees of Allen?

Otherwise fee for 2021-22 will be applicable.

Fee Structure.

Course If Total Amount Payable in Lump-sum (one time) Total Deductable Amount in Refund* Cases ( Click here for Refund Rules )
For TALLENTPRO XI & XII Rebate of 15000/- will be given. 1st Refund : 45000/- & Last Refund : 90000/-

Is Ranjan Raj Iitian?

Raj enrolled himself at IIT Bombay but dropout during the second year of B. Tech graduation. During graduation, he proceeded to compete in a variety of drama contests like Do Gaz Zameen and garnered accolades for his talent as an actor. Later his mother encouraged him to become an actor.

Does Vaibhav crack IIT? In season 2’s last episode, Vaibhav is seen elated thinking that he has cracked IIT-JEE Advanced with just preparations for 11th standard. However, he ignorantly did the paper in double time of the test duration.

Is Ranjan Raj from IIT Bombay? Ranjan Raj was born and brought up in Arwal, Bihar. … Ranjan is fond of animals. He loves to dance, travel, painting and writing. He got awarded by the IIT Bombay for his acting skills.

Who is Prince Sir Kota?

Educational Qualification: Prince Sir is an alumnus of MNIT Jaipur. Professional Background: He has worked with various prestigious coaching institutes in order to assist the students to have a better understanding of chemistry. Now he is with ETOOSINDIA team as a senior faculty of chemistry.

Where does NV Sir teach? NV Sir (Mr. Nitin Vijay) completed B. Tech from IIT (BHU) Varanasi . He is Physics champion faculty with vast teaching experience of 15 Years..

ETOOSINDIA IIT JEE VIDEO LECTURES: Complete Physics for Main & Advanced by NV Sir (USB)

Subjects Physics
Education Board IIT

Who is best teacher for inorganic chemistry?

which is the best inorganic chemistry teacher on YouTube?

  • Professor Martyn Poliakoff.
  • Arvind arora ( made ejee chemistry )
  • Paaras thakur (unacademy jee)

Is Bania a high caste? Though some members of the Bania castes are cultivators, more Banias than any other caste follow their traditional caste occupation. Banias are classed as vaisyas, the third of the four great categories of Hindu society, and stand below Brahmans and Ksatriyas in caste ranking.

Is Marwari a caste?

The Marwaris, though far-flung today across India and the world, trace their roots to the harsh desert region around Marwar, in modern-day Rajasthan in western India. The term Marwaris is in fact not a caste name but an ethnic catchall for various merchant castes from the region.

Is Bania a caste? Bania, also spelled Baniya, (from Sanskrit vāṇijya, “trade”), Indian caste consisting generally of moneylenders or merchants, found chiefly in northern and western India; strictly speaking, however, many mercantile communities are not Banias, and, conversely, some Banias are not merchants.

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