Is Game of Thrones worth watching?

Without a doubt, Game of Thrones is pretty much a must-watch for anyone who calls themselves a fan of television. Yes, it’s a fantasy show; you have your dragons, kings, queens, knights, and all that. But when you get into the meat of the series, you’ll find it’s actually a drama story in disguise.

Then, Is Got Season 9 coming?

Unfortunately, at this time, there are no plans to revive or reboot Game of Thrones past season 8. And as such, there will be no Game of Thrones season 9. HBO has not said anything about reviving the series.

simply so, Which is better LOTR or got?

Long answer – yes. In storytelling terms, Lord of the Rings is a better written and more interesting book. And that is only counting the book itself, not the universe which includes The Silmarillion and other books. Originally Answered: Why is Game of Thrones better than Lord of the Rings?

Is Game of Thrones age appropriate? Originally Answered: What is the appropriate age to watch Game of Thrones? Keeping in mind what Game of Thrones is known for which is adult themes, graphic violence, nudity, adult themes and brutal main character deaths, the appropriate age to watch the show is 14.

Is Game of Thrones scary?

Game of Thrones is dramatic, funny, epic, shocking and thought-provoking. … And while there are more terrifying shows out there than Game of Thrones, the HBO epic has a few spine-tingling moments sprinkled throughout, mostly having to do with the villainous White Walkers.

Will there ever be more Game of Thrones?

“Game of Thrones” concluded in 2019 and speculation about successor series has been rife since the show’s conclusion. Several spinoff ideas were publicly floated and later discarded; as of December 2020, “House of the Dragon” is the only upcoming “Game of Thrones”-related series that has been officially confirmed.

Will there be any more Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones won’t be continuing beyond season 8, but there’s a bright future ahead and that’s a very good thing for fans who want to learn more about the history of Westeros and the people who live there.

What is the next Game of Thrones series?

“House of the Dragon” will start airing on HBO and streaming on HBO Max in 2022.

Is Game of Thrones based on Lord of the Rings?

Game of Thrones is inspired by Lord of the Rings. “Lord of the Rings trilogy influenced Game of Thrones”, these were the words of George R. R. Martin – creator of the series A Song of Ice and Fire. … Martin was only 13 years old when he read the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Is Lord of the Rings American?

The Lord of the Rings is a series of three epic fantasy adventure films directed by Peter Jackson, based on the novel written by J. R. R. Tolkien.

The Lord of the Rings (film series)

The Lord of the Rings
Running time Total (3 films): 558 minutes (theatrical) 686 minutes (extended)
Countries New Zealand United States
Language English

Why is Game of Thrones rated R?

Frequent graphic, gory violence, including executions and their bloody aftermath, and large-scale battles with powerful and gruesome fight scenes. … Sexual violence also is graphically depicted.

Why is Game of Thrones so addictive?

One of the most important things that makes Game of Thrones addictive is the fact that it doesn’t have ONE main hero or villain. As a result, every person is expendable.

Is House of Dragon Cancelled?

EXCLUSIVE: The House Targaryen has been hit by the pandemic. HBO has shut down production on Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon due to Covid-19.

How rich is George RR Martin?

According to Celebrity Net Worth, that makes Martin’s net worth about $65 million. Regardless of his millions, Martin still lives a fairly modest life, and it’s clear he does everything for his love of writing.

Is Jon Snow in House of the Dragon?

Kit Harington won’t appear in ‘House of the Dragon

Harington’s Jon Snow was one of the most important characters in the Game of Thrones story over its eight seasons. But he won’t be part of the upcoming prequel. That’s because the new series is about the Dance of the Dragons.

Is got overrated?

No. It’s not overrated. I got to know about Game of Thrones through Quora itself. Ever since, I wanted to watch it and know what actually makes it that interesting that people wouldn’t stop talking about it.

Will Balerion be in House of the Dragon?

Balerion died at around 200 years old in 94 AC, less than a year after Prince Viserys claimed him and while the prince was still very young; therefore, it is unlikely that House of the Dragon will show Balerion alive, unless the writers change the story or in flashback.

Is Hobbit and Lord of the Rings connected?

Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is a prequel to his Lord of the Rings trilogy, which most people rushing to The Hobbit will have already seen. In the new film there are many nods or foreshadowing to adventures or characters seen in LOTR, and connections to be made.

How old is Gandalf?

The closest approximation of Gandalf’s physical age is 24,000 years old, according to Gandalf himself. Yet, various dates of key events in other Tolkien texts show that Gandalf has actually only walked in his physical form for just over two thousand years.

Where is Middle-Earth in real life?

This part of Middle-earth is suggestive of Europe, the north-west of the Old World, with the environs of the Shire resembling reminiscent of England, but, more specifically, the West Midlands , with the town at its centre, Hobbiton, at the same latitude as Oxford.

Type Central continent of fantasy world

Should I let my child watch Game of Thrones?

But the realistic, relentless violence and graphic sex make it age-inappropriate for many kids. If you’re not ready for your teen to watch it, try something “Game of Thrones”-ish.

Are the Game of Thrones books dirty?

The book is an overall very good read, and hard to put down at certain points. While it does contain violence, sex, etc, the descriptions are not nearly as graphic as in the show and usually very brief.


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