Did Jane dump Thor?

So, audiences were treated to a giddy fan of Thor giving him her sympathy after Jane Foster “dumped” him. A little frustratingly, if convenient for this idea, audiences are never actually told the reason as to why she suddenly dumped him. … Loki even tells Thor that he’ll never be ready the day she dies.

Then, Why did Jane Foster and Thor break up?

Once free of the Aether, Foster returned to work and Thor had decided to remain on Earth with her. Due to her work studying of the Convergence, Foster was being considered for the Noble Prize in astrophysics. Following the Ultron Offensive, Foster ended her relationship with Thor.

simply so, Who did Thor marry?

Sif is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, and in the poetry of skalds. In both the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, she is known for her golden hair and is married to the thunder god Thor.

Did Thor and Jane have a child? Kincaid was the mortal Odin based his ‘blueprints’ for Donald Blake on. It makes sense that Jane would then fall in love with him, even if she didn’t have her memories of Thor at the time. He and Jane went on to marry, have a son, and then divorce.

Who is Dr Keith Kincaid?

Kincaid later became official staff doctor to the Avengers. He also assisted Captain America when his Super Soldier Serum was deteriorating in his body. Some years later, Jane had also become a doctor and so she and Keith worked together at Memorial Hospital in New York.

Who was Thor’s second wife?

Sif was Thor’s second wife, and Ull was his stepson. Sif’s golden hair, which symbolized her connection to the fertility of the land and the harvest of grain, was often praised. She was known to be very vain about its beauty.

Who did Thor have a daughter with?

Torunn was the daughter of Thor and Sif. Torunn was taken to safety by Tony Stark alongside the other children of the Avengers to keep them all safe from Ultron. Torunn, along with her young heroes, only knew of the Avengers through Tony’s tales of their former glory days.

Who is Loki wife?

Loki is married to Sigyn and they have a son, Narfi and/or Nari. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr. Loki, in the form of a mare, was impregnated by the stallion Svaðilfari and gave birth to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.

Do Thor and Sif get married?

Odin, hoping to turn Thor’s feelings in a different direction, arranged for him to meet Sif once more. Sif was now highly accomplished in the ways of the warrior. Soon after meeting Sif again, Thor and Sif became lovers and companions, as well as allies in numerous battles. Eventually, they decided to marry.

Does Loki love Thor?

Loki Laufeyson

Thor and his brother Loki on Sakaar. Loki is Thor’s adopted brother and the Asgardian god of mischief. In his younger years, he and Loki were very close and good friends, even if occasionally irritated by Loki’s mischief. … Thor loves Loki and wished for him to return home so they could be a family again.

Why don t Jane and Thor stay together?

In Ragnarok, Thor reveals that he and Jane broke up, despite the fact that at Dark World’s end he literally walked away from the throne in part because of Jane. Not to mention Jane herself became a damsel in distress, simply waiting hopefully for Thor to return after he sorted out his stuff with his dad.

Who is Kincaid Marvel?

Kincaid is Tina Minoru’s bodyguard. He occasionally does some investigation on given subjects for his employer, and notably discovered that Amy Minoru was the one who hacked into Wizard’s servers.

Do Thor and Sif have children?

Guardians of the Galaxy. In the Guardians of the Galaxy timeline, by the 31st century Thor and Sif have a son named Woden Thorson.

Who is Loki’s love interest?

10 Sigyn Was Tricked Into Becoming Loki’s Wife

Early in the comics’ history, Loki fell for a Goddess named Sigyn, who was already engaged to a member of Odin’s Crimson Hawk guards, Theoric. To get Sigyn to marry him, Loki had Theoric killed and then impersonated him until they were wed.

Why did Loki cut Sif’s hair?

Why Did Loki Cut Her Hair? Loki cuts off Sif’s hair as a prank. When Thor discovers this, he grabs hold of Loki, resulting in Loki swearing to have a headpiece made of gold to replace Sif’s locks. Loki fulfills this promise by having a headpiece made by dwarfs, the Sons of Ivaldi.

Who is Thor’s Daughter mother?

Prose Edda. The Prose Edda book Skáldskaparmál (4) tells that Thor can be referred to by the kenning “father of Þrúðr” (faðir Þrúðar). Eysteinn Valdason uses it in his poem about Thor (2). The Skáldskaparmál (21) adds that her mother is Sif.

Who is Magni and Modis mother?

In Norse mythology, Magni is the prodigious son of the Aesir god Thor and his lover, the jötunn Járnsaxa. Through his father he is the elder half-brother of Móði (referred to in game as “Modi”) and Þrúðr (referred to in dialogue as “Thrud”), and through his mother is the half-brother of Heimdallr.

Who is the daughter of Loki?

As Loki’s daughter, Hela has been a longtime thorn in the side of both Thor and Odin.

Is Loki in love with Sylvie?

The romance between the two peaks when Loki and Sylvie share a kiss in the season finale, and even though Sylvie betrays him, it has been confirmed that her love for Loki is genuine. However, reactions to their romance have been mixed.

Who is Thors wife?

in Norse mythology, the wife of the thunder god, Thor. Sif was a giantess, goddess of grain and fertility, and one of the Asynjur. She was the mother of Ull, god of archery, skiing, and single combat. Sif was Thor’s second wife, and Ull was his stepson.

Who married Loki?

Loki is married to Sigyn and they have a son, Narfi and/or Nari. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr.

Who is Loki’s girlfriend?

Enchantress (Marvel Comics)

Alter ego Amora
Species Asgardian
Team affiliations Asgard Masters of Evil Lady Liberators Mandarin’s Minions Sisterhood of Mutants Astonishing Avengers Lethal Legion
Partnerships Loki Executioner


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