Donald Trump loses patience with coronavirus

President Donald Trump at the White House daily press conference on the Coronavirus on March 23.
President Donald Trump at the White House daily press conference on the Coronavirus on March 23. JONATHAN ERNST / REUTERS

Donald Trump is getting impatient. After another day of stock market collapse, the President of the United States did not stop, Monday, March 23, during his now daily press conference on the number of deaths attributable to coronavirus recorded during the day and which exceeded for the first time the hundred in his country. " I want America to understand : this week will be bad ", however warned in the morning Jerome Adam, the federal administrator for public health (sucker general).

However, he spoke at length about the need to put an end to the shutdown of the American economy as quickly as possible, due to the state of health emergency, which was accompanied by an explosion in the number unemployed. Before the start of this crisis, the president intended to campaign on the good health of this economy in preparation for the presidential election in November.

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"Our country was not built to be shut down"said Donald Trump on Monday. "America will be open to business again and soon. Very soon. Much earlier than the three or four months that someone suggested. Much sooner. We cannot let the remedy be worse than the problem itself ”, he assured, taking up as he had on the night on his Twitter account the theme developed on Sunday evening by the British commentator Steve Hilton on the conservative channel Fox News.

The president tied his hands in the short term by decreeing a fortnight ago exceptional precautionary measures at the federal level a week ago. But the harshest provisions, and in particular those of containment, were adopted thereafter, in particular in California, in the State of Washington and that of New York, by the governors in place.

"This total economic stop will kill people"

On Monday, Donald Trump sometimes gave the impression of being more worried about the consequences of these precautionary measures which are generalized elsewhere in the world than the impact of the coronavirus on the American population. Once again, he recalled the deadly toll of the flu, citing that of the ongoing epidemic which could exceed 50,000 dead to put that of the pandemic into perspective. " It's a lot ", he noted.

"And look at the car accidents, which are far more important than all the numbers we are talking about. This does not mean that we are going to tell everyone to stop driving cars. So we have to do things to unlock our country ”, he added. The billionaire is indirectly on the front line: according to Washington Post, six of the seven revenue-generating hotels in the Trump Organization are currently closed due to the pandemic.


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