What school did Jeff Bezos go to?

Born in Albuquerque and raised in Houston and Miami, Bezos graduated from Princeton University in 1986. He holds a degree in electrical engineering and computer science. He worked on Wall Street in a variety of related fields from 1986 to early 1994.

Did Jeff Bezos went to Harvard?

Here’s How. The Amazon and Blue Origin founder graduated from Princeton University in 1986 with a bachelor’s in electrical engineering and computer science.

then How high is Jeff Bezos IQ?

Jeff has reportedly scored a mind-blowing 160 on an IQ test in the past! This is well above average (100) and puts him near Albert Einstein as one of the smartest people to ever live.

What is Stephen Hawking IQ level? Stephen Hawking’s IQ – How Yours Compares to His and Other Famous Persons’ IQ

Name (First/Last) Description IQ (SB)
Shakira Singer 140
Sharon Stone Actress 154
Sofia Kovalevskaya Mathematician & writer 170
Stephen W. Hawking Physicist 160

What is Albert Einstein’s IQ level?

The maximum IQ score assigned by the WAIS-IV, a commonly-used test today, is 160. A score of 135 or above puts a person in the 99th percentile of the population. News articles often put Einstein’s IQ at 160, though it’s unclear what that estimate is based upon.

What is Bill Gates IQ level? Stephen Hawking’s IQ – How Yours Compares to His and Other Famous Persons’ IQ

Name (First/Last) Description IQ (SB)
Benjamin Franklin Writer, scientist & politician 160
Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli Prime Minister 180
Bill Gates CEO, Microsoft 160
Bill (William) Jefferson Clinton President 137

What was Albert Einstein’s last words? Albert Einstein’s last words will never be known. He spoke them in German, but the attending nurse didn’t speak German and so couldn’t recall what was said. He died in his sleep at a hospital in Princeton, New Jersey on April 18, 1955, leaving the Generalized Theory of Gravitation unsolved.

Who was the cleverest person in the world? To those who knew of his son, William James Sidis was quite possibly the smartest man who ever lived. Born in Boston in 1898, William James Sidis made the headlines in the early 20th century as a child prodigy with an amazing intellect. His IQ was estimated to be 50 to 100 points higher than Albert Einstein’s.

Who is smarter than Einstein?

Eight-year-old Adhara Pérez, who lives in the slums of Tlahuac, Mexico, is reportedly smarter than most known scientists. The girl has an IQ of 162, higher than the estimated 160 of notable geniuses Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

Who has a higher IQ than Einstein? An eight-year-old girl living in Mexico has a higher Intelligence Quotient (IQ) than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Adhara Perez has an IQ of 162 in comparison to Einstein and Hawkings who had an estimated IQ of 160. Perez, who was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, lives in the slums of Tlahuac in Mexico.

What is the average IQ for a 13 year old?

Price, a professor at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at University College London, and colleagues, tested 33 “healthy and neurologically normal” adolescents aged 12 to 16. Their IQ scores ranged from 77 to 135, with an average score of 112.

Who has the highest IQ ever? Marilyn vos Savant (/ˌvɒs səˈvɑːnt/; born Marilyn Mach; August 11, 1946) is an American magazine columnist, author, lecturer, and playwright. She was listed as having the highest recorded intelligence quotient (IQ) in the Guinness Book of Records, a competitive category the publication has since retired.

Does Lady Gaga have a high IQ?

Lady Gaga is probably among the most gifted and intelligent people on Earth, but it is an insult to her to label her with a paltry 166 IQ, as if the number actually meant anything important.

How high was Leonardo da Vinci’s IQ?

Leonardo da Vinci

His estimated IQ scores range from 180 to 220 by different measures. He’s one of the most celebrated painters in history, revered for his technological innovations such as flying machines, an armoured vehicle, concentrated solar power, and adding machines.

Is time Travelling possible? Yes, time travel is indeed a real thing. But it’s not quite what you’ve probably seen in the movies. Under certain conditions, it is possible to experience time passing at a different rate than 1 second per second.

Did Albert Einstein have kids? Albert Einstein had three children. His oldest son was Hans Albert Einstein, born in 1904. His second son was Eduard Einstein, born in 1910.

Why was Einstein’s hair crazy?

Fatherhood gave Albert Einstein his iconic hair.

Like many new parents, Einstein discovered that having a new mouth to feed changed everything: The patent clerk was so busy trying to support his family that he stopped combing his hair and visiting the barber. Slowly, an iconic look was born.

Who has an IQ of 300? William James Sidis has the World’s Highest IQ. Anywhere from 250 to 300 is his IQ score, almost twice the score of Albert Einstein. At the age of eleven, William famously entered Harvard University, becoming the youngest person to enter, also, claimed to be conversant in 25 languages.

Who had an IQ of 260?

He entered Harvard at age 11 and, as an adult, was claimed to have an extremely high IQ, and to be conversant in about 25 languages and dialects.

William James Sidis
Born April 1, 1898 Manhattan, New York City, U.S.
Died July 17, 1944 (aged 46) Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.

Who has 400 IQ? Adragon De Mello

A college graduate at the age of 11, De Mello has a projected IQ of 400.

How can I test my IQ?

The IQ was calculated by dividing the individual’s mental age (determined by performance on the test) by his or her chronological age and multiplying by 100. Today, the most commonly-used IQ test is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.

Which child is the most intelligent? Kim Ung-Yong—A guest physics student at age three

Born in 1962, Kim Ung-Yong is listed as having the highest IQ at 210 in the Guinness Book of World Records. The young prodigy began speaking at four months old and merely two years later, he was able to read in Japanese, Korean, German and English.

Who has 160 IQ?

Paul Allen is alleged to have an IQ of 160.

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