The authors retrace the history of American domination and analyze how Washington is no longer the capital of the world.
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The book. The end of an era, the end of a hegemony, the United States no longer dominates world affairs. This young nation, whose mission was " restart the world ", According to the formula launched in 1776 by Thomas Paine, one of his founding fathers, would therefore no longer afford to assume this legacy ambitious by the force of things and the excessive strategic choices of its leaders, summarize the Managers, the political scientist Bertrand Badie and the historian Dominique Vidal, in this new edition of The State of the World.
For years, these two specialists in international issues have deciphered the changes in the world and take the pulse of the world body every year with empathy and rigor. Empathy, because it is necessary to clear the world news and to identify the pathologies that handicap humanity. Rigor, by surrounding itself with other geopolitical experts, the dossier on the end of the American leadership offers a complete panorama of Uncle Sam's disappointments in 2020.
If the second half of XXe century was the United States, nearly thirty years after the end of the cold war, the world would have no center. The compass needle no longer indicates Washington as the world's capital since "power has become powerless."
A world without compass
How did the Americans get there? Dilapidating the dividends of power in seven decades, as they pranced at the top of the world competition, was accomplished in successive waves of failures, the last three of which are the most emblematic: the failure of George W's neoconservatism Bush, covered by academic Frédéric Charillon, to believe that America could impose its values by force; the failure of Barack Obama's neo-liberalism, decoded by Sylvain Cypel, a former journalist Worldto believe that multilateralism would ensure a privileged place in the United States; and that of Donald Trump's neo-nationalism, analyzed by Gilles Paris, correspondent for World in Washington, that of believing that by rejecting global governance, the America First "would be better.
By dint of having watered the world with its power, America would have ended up being watered in turn and eaten by Hegemon, his own creature who would have turned against his master before disappearing. It is not a question of the American decline, this notion as vague as catch-all, but of a break in the history of a world without compass, of an international system without name.