the first time “Le Monde” wrote it

Democrat Kamala Harris campaigning for the US presidential election in Detroit, Michigan, October 25, 2020.

OWe can see in it a double sign of the modernity that it intends to embody. It’s certain, and not in the paper version of the daily, that the future vice-president of the United States is mentioned for the first time on February 7, 2012. And she appears there as a defender of gay marriage. The San Francisco Federal Court of Appeal then declared “proposition 8” unconstitutional.

What is it about ? From a referendum won in 2008 by opponents of same-sex marriage, authorized a few months earlier in California. “In March 2011, the Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris, spoke in favor of the authorization of same-sex marriages,” specify the dispatch – it will be noted that the time was not yet for the feminization of function names.

Approaching the Supreme Court

We find Kamala Harris, still on the site of World, on June 29, 2013, when she has just celebrated the union of a couple who fought against proposition 8: “’I now declare you wives for life,” said California Justice Minister Kamala Harris, who presided over the ceremony. “I cannot be more honored than to be before you today to join your wedding,” she added. ”

Soon his career will take a national turn. In February 2016, Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia died, a few months before the end of Barack Obama’s second term. The American president wants to find a replacement for him as soon as possible. “The choice of the judge’s personality is (…) a campaign issue, written, quoting a specialist: “For Barack Obama, this is an opportunity to give a boost to his camp, which is not in very good shape, by helping him to seek the vote of women or minorities by choosing a judge representing these population categories. ” ” Among the personalities approached: “Kamala Harris, African-American politician. “ She will not be chosen, but whatever since the obstruction of the Senate, with a Republican majority, will prevent Obama from appointing a new judge.

Running for the Senate

Her ambition is elsewhere: in 2016, here she is in the running for the Senate, which earned her for the first time the honors of the daily paper. It is not yet a portrait, the article mainly analyzing the erasure of Republicans in California. “The two candidates who are currently in the lead to succeed Barbara Boxer in the Federal Senate, Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez, are two Democrats”, noted Corine Lesnes on June 9, 2016.

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