Donald Trump supporters protest in Washington, denounce electoral fraud

A few anti-Trump rallies have also been announced, raising fears of a tense climate in the US federal capital.

While President Donald Trump continues to deny his defeat in the US presidential election on November 3, and to denounce electoral fraud without proof, some of his supporters demonstrate Saturday, November 14 in Washington to denounce what they believe to be a ” flight ”of the ballot.

“Million MAGA March” (MAGA, “Make America Great again”), “Stop the Steal”, “Women for Trump” : Under various slogans and in a certain confusion, various rallies were announced, supported by several personalities of the extreme right, including Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys, an American nationalist militia. According to several American journalists on the spot, Saturday afternoon, members of the Proud Boys began to parade in the American capital.

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Leaving the White House to go to golf, the American president, who has still not admitted his defeat to Joe Biden a week after the announcement of the results, was able to see, from his armored limousine, several hundred of his sympathizers gathered in the center of the city. The presidential convoy drove past Freedom Plaza, where enthusiastic protesters were shouting “Four more years! Four more years! “, or “USA! USA! “.

“It is heartwarming to see all this enormous support, especially these spontaneous gatherings that are flourishing across the country, including one big Saturday in [Washington] DC. I could even try to say hello ”, had tweeted Donald Trump the day before.

Anti-Trump rallies also announced

Darion Schaublin, a protester interviewed by Agence France-Presse, drove more than six hours from Ohio to denounce a “Completely rigged system” and the “Media manipulation”. The 26-year-old, who claims to have lost his job in a restaurant after refusing to wear the mask, doubts the “Legitimacy” of the election result.

Margarita Urtubey, a 49-year-old horse breeder from Florida with a friend of Uruguayan origin like her, believes that “Trump largely won” the presidential election. ” Everyone knows it. But he’s against the media, the tech giants and corruption is horrible ”, she denounces, cap “Make America Great Again” on the head, saying to be part of the “Resistance”.

A few anti-Trump rallies have also been announced, raising fears of a tense climate in the US federal capital.

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An irreparable advance from Joe Biden

The results of all the states have now been announced by the major American television channels. Joe Biden won 306 voters, against 232 for the incumbent president, the reverse score of the victory of the Republican billionaire – who then spoke of a ” tsunami “ – against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

A recount of the votes must take place in Georgia, where the gap is very small between the two candidates, but its outcome will not change the final result: Joe Biden has, whatever happens in this state, the 270 necessary voters. to open the doors of the White House.

Donald Trump, he continues to maintain confusion about his intentions, and continues to assert without evidence that the ballot was the subject of vast irregularities. Several federal agencies have directly contradicted the president. “The November 3 election was the safest in the history of the United States”, said in a joint statement several local and national electoral authorities, including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which reports to the Ministry of Internal Security.

The World with AFP


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