Donald Trump posts new success with Israel-Sudan rapprochement

Donald Trump during a call with the leader of Sudan on October 23 in the Oval office in Washington.

Before leaving the White House to tour Florida, less than two weeks before the November 3 presidential election, Donald Trump summoned the press to the Oval Office to attend a historic conference call with Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and the two main officials of the Sudanese transitional regime, the Prime Minister, Abdallah Hamdok, and the President of the Sovereign Council, General Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman Bourhane. It was about announcing the rapprochement between the Hebrew state and Sudan.

It constitutes a new success in the Israeli-Arab process led under the aegis of Washington. “This will be the third country where we do this. And we have many more to come. And they rush towards us ”, welcomed the President of the United States, who however refrained from answering in the affirmative to the question of whether there was any question of a “Full standardization”. Very fit, he could not save a spade against his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden. “Do you think the sleeping Joe could have made this deal, Bibi?” I do not think so “, he assured while at the end of the line the Israeli Prime Minister avoided acquiescing.

Washington did not save its energy

After normalization with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, Sudan allows a qualitative leap that completes the erasure of the historical legacy of the Khartoum declaration, the result of a meeting of the Arab League in the aftermath of the Six-Day War , in 1967. Its members had pledged not to make peace with Israel, nor to recognize the Hebrew State, nor even to negotiate with it.

“Today we have peace. We have three yeses under the presidency of Donald Trump: we have peace, we have recognition and we have negotiations for even more peace ”, assured the adviser and son-in-law of the president, Jared Kushner, the main architect of a peace plan initially Israeli-Palestinian presented in January. The latter has been relegated to the background due to the acceleration of an Israeli-Arab normalization which has remained at a standstill since the peace treaty with Jordan in 1994 until the Emirati breakthrough.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Agreement between Israel, Bahrain and the Emirates saves Donald Trump’s diplomatic record

These advances, hailed by his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, allow Donald Trump to erase the setbacks suffered during his mandate in the North Korean or Iranian files, even if he assured in the first case during the last presidential debate, Thursday, that his relationship with Pyongyang strongman Kim Jong-un, though unsuccessful, averted nuclear war.

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