What can you not plant next to brussel sprouts?

Just as you like some people and dislike others, Brussels sprouts feel the same way. Don’t grow strawberries, kohlrabi, or pole beans near these plants.

Other plants that companion well with Brussels sprouts include:

  • Beets.
  • Bush beans.
  • Carrots.
  • Celery.
  • Lettuce.
  • Onion.
  • Pea.
  • Potato.


Do peppers and brussel sprouts grow well together?

Keep Brussels sprout plants away from tomatoes and pole beans, too. Cabbage crops contain plant chemicals that inhibit tomato growth, as well as other nightshades like eggplants and peppers.

How much space do Brussel Sprouts need?

Brussels sprouts get large, so they need to be about 18 to 24 inches apart in a row or bed. If planted in rows, space rows 30 inches apart to give yourself enough room to walk. Don’t let seedlings sit around for long, dry out, or get stunted in their pack. Plant right away.

How far apart should brussel sprouts be planted?

Select a site with full sun and rich soil. Sow seeds of Brussels sprouts 3-4 inches apart or plant seedlings 18-24 inches apart. Provide Brussels sprouts with steady, consistent moisture. Begin fertilizing a month after planting.

How often do you water brussel sprouts?

Water Brussels sprouts deeply and infrequently while trying to maintain even soil moisture. About 1-2 inches of water are required per week. Use drip irrigation if possible to conserve water. Applying mulch around the plant also helps conserve soil moisture and reduce weed growth.

Do brussel sprouts need a trellis?

It is not necessary to stake Brussels sprouts at the time of planting. If you find that maturing plants are getting top-heavy and prone to flopping over, stake each plant individually with a thick bamboo stake, wooden stake, or piece of rebar and a loose piece of twine.

What month do you plant Brussel sprouts?

Brussel sprouts are best as a fall crop with a long growing season that starts 6 months before your first fall frost. You can plant them in the early spring too, but sprouts that ripen in the heat don’t taste nearly as good as those that ripen after a light frost.

Can you grow Brussel sprouts in a raised bed?

How to Plant Brussels Sprouts. Sow seeds one-fourth to one-half inch deep, 4 inches apart in rows or in raised beds. It takes seeds up to a week to sprout. Thin seedlings to 1-2 foot spacing after they have two sets of leaves.

Do Brussel sprouts come back every year? No, brussels sprouts do not come back every year. They’re a biennial, which means they only live for two years. So while the plant can survive more than one year, in the second it’ll produce flowers and seeds, rather than edible heads.

How many brussel sprouts per person should I plant?

Vegetable Garden Size For a Family (Per Person)

Vegetable Amount Per Person
Brussels Sprouts 2-5 plants
Cabbage 3-5 plants
Carrots 10-25 plants
Cauliflower 2-5 plants

• Feb 7, 2019

Do brussel sprouts have deep roots?

Brussels sprouts have shallow roots, so as they become top-heavy, you may need to stake them, particularly if exposed to strong winds. As with other brassicas, Brussels Sprouts are susceptible to pests and diseases that must be kept under control early in the season.

How tall does brussel sprout plants get?

Brussels sprout plants usually reach heights of 2 to 3 feet, so plan accordingly; they may require staking. Remove yellowing leaves at the bottom of the plant to allow for more sunlight on the stalk and to focus plant energy on healthy growth.

Are brussel sprouts and tomatoes companion plants?

Tomatoes and brussel sprouts are said to be “enemies,” and popular advice, from both gardeners and academics, is to separate these two crops. Tomatoes are well known to be heavy feeders. Brussel sprouts come from the Brassica family, also heavy feeders.

Do brussel sprouts need support?

It is not necessary to stake Brussels sprouts at the time of planting. If you find that maturing plants are getting top-heavy and prone to flopping over, stake each plant individually with a thick bamboo stake, wooden stake, or piece of rebar and a loose piece of twine.

What should not be planted with tomatoes? What should not be planted with tomatoes?

  • Brassicas (including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprouts) – inhibit tomato growth.
  • Potatoes – along with tomatoes are also in the nightshade family so they will be competing for the same nutrients and will also be susceptible to the same diseases.

How do you encourage brussel sprouts to grow? Keep the soil around Brussels sprouts evenly moist; water at the base of plants. Brussels sprouts require 1 inch (16 gallons/60.5 liters) of water each week or more. Mulch around plants during the summer to slow soil moisture evaporation and to keep the soil cool.

Can you plant cabbage next to brussel sprouts?

Cabbage: Cabbage is another member of the Brassica plant group that works well next to Brussels sprouts because the two plants like the same conditions. Cauliflower: As a Brassica plant, cauliflower shares space well with Brussels sprouts because of their similar maintenance needs.

What is a good companion plant for cabbage?

6 Companion Plants to Grow With Cabbage

  • Beans.
  • Borage.
  • Brassica.
  • Celery.
  • Marigold.
  • Aromatic herbs and flowers.

Do Brussel Sprouts need support to grow?

#5 Once plants begin to set sprouts, they can become a bit top-heavy so add stakes for support or mound dirt around stem for support. What is this? #6 Brussels sprouts prefer well-drained soil and do not require excessive nutrients a liquid fertilizer once a month is plenty.

What month do you plant brussel sprouts?

Brussel sprouts are best as a fall crop with a long growing season that starts 6 months before your first fall frost. You can plant them in the early spring too, but sprouts that ripen in the heat don’t taste nearly as good as those that ripen after a light frost.

Do Brussel Sprouts need support?

It is not necessary to stake Brussels sprouts at the time of planting. If you find that maturing plants are getting top-heavy and prone to flopping over, stake each plant individually with a thick bamboo stake, wooden stake, or piece of rebar and a loose piece of twine.

Do brussel sprouts come back every year?

No, brussels sprouts do not come back every year. They’re a biennial, which means they only live for two years. So while the plant can survive more than one year, in the second it’ll produce flowers and seeds, rather than edible heads.

What is the best fertilizer for brussel sprouts?

What is the best fertilizer for Brussels sprouts? A time-based granular fertilizer with an NPK of 10-10-10 or 5-10-5 or 5-10-10, or a liquid fertilizer are both great choices for feeding Brussels sprout plants.

Should I cut the top off my brussel sprouts? Always leave the top healthiest leaves because they continue to feed the stalk. The Brussels sprout plant can grow to several feet, and topping it (cutting off its growth head) when these top buds are still immature sends energy down the stalk and feeds the growing sprouts.


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