The Lebanese government is still not constituted, despite calls from France

Lebanese Prime Minister Mustapha Adib, right, meets President Michel Aoun in the latter's palace near Beirut, Monday, September 14.  Photograph issued by government services.

The Lebanese Prime Minister, Mustapha Adib, remains, Wednesday, September 15, the leader of a still unconstituted government, despite the commitment made at 1er September by political parties to do so within two weeks, as Emmanuel Macron had announced from Beirut.

The expiration of this deadline announced by France led the French presidency on Wednesday to ” to regret “ this late. “It is not yet too late: everyone must take their responsibilities and finally act in the sole interest of Lebanon, by allowing” to the prime minister designate “To constitute a government which is up to the gravity of the situation”, added the Elysee.

During his visit to Beirut, French President Emmanuel Macron said he hoped for the formation of a team supported by “All political formations” and capable of initiating reforms. But since then the negotiations led by Mustapha Adib, a relatively little-known former ambassador, have stalled.

Read the context: In Beirut, Macron obtains from Lebanese parties a timetable for reforms

Launch an “urgent reform program”

” It is clear [que les partis politiques] are not there today ”, notes the Elysée, which recalls that, on that day, “All Lebanese political leaders” had “Made the commitment” that this “Mission government” can be “Capable of implementing an urgent reform program meeting the needs of Lebanon and the aspirations of the Lebanese and Lebanese”.

In a multi-faith country where the same parties have dominated the political scene for decades, officials are used to endless haggling to form a government. According to Lebanese media, cabinet formation stumbled over allocation of finance portfolio, Shiite Amal party claiming “A Shiite personality” for this position which has been his since 2014.

Hezbollah, Amal and the Free Patriotic Current, the president’s party, hold a majority in parliament. The trio had orchestrated the formation of the outgoing government, which resigned in the wake of the August 4 explosion at the port of Beirut.

The analysis of a historian: Can Macron save Lebanon from its wreckers?

The World with AFP


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